ISS Pass: Time: Fri Dec 14 5:33 PM, Visible: 6 min, Max Height: 50°,
Appears: 10° above WNW, Disappears: 11° above SSE
Sidewalk Astronomy Myrtle and Lime Monrovia Saturday, sunset for 2+
hours, weather permitting. It looks like clear skies for Saturday night.
Look up, if you can see the moon, then walk on down! There will be at
least three telescopes out and Mojo and I are out of town.
Geminids peak today (actually best from dark sky both Friday and
Saturday mornings) so good luck! Here's a great page written by our
friend from the 1999-2002 Leonid Storm observing campaign, Bob
Lundsford: You will
see how the rates have picked up from the 12th to the 14th, and rtes
will still be nice and bright tomorrow morning, and then will start to
Lunar Eclipse Jan 20 -- from about 6:36 p.m. to 11:48 pm Pacific Time
with total eclipse at 9:12 p.m. There will probably be some astronomers
on hand at Library Park -- I'll let you know next month. But lunar
eclipses are great to view with the unaided eye, so you can enjoy them
at home, too.
Jan 21, 2019 at 02:36:29 UTC is the time in UTC so you can calculate the
time in your own time zone. Or use this handy drop down menu:
Finally some of you have asked if just because we are retiring from our
day jobs (me this month, Mojo in March) will we also be retiring from
sidewalk astronomy or moving way. The answers are no and no. We love
our Old Town Sidewalk Astronomy family, our growing telescope yielding
group and our many astro-fans who join us for viewing events, or read my
Happy star-trails everybody! The last "What's Up" video from me is here, but the show will go on with a new voice in
January. The amazing Henry Kline will continue to produce the show from
the JPL TV studio, so I'll keep sharing it with you!
Jane Houston Jones, JPL Retiree
Astronomer, music lover, JPL retiree
My Final What's Up Astronomy podcast #138: Dec 2018
Jane’s finale. An awesome
All 138 What’s Ups since