Tonight's weather forecast: Mostly cloudy. Chance of rain. Probability
of measurable precipitation 30 percent. Southeast wind 5 mph. Low 51.
Tonight's Clear Sky Clock shows all white - and that means 90% cloud
Luckily we had two great sidewalk astronomy nights this week. On
Tuesday night LA Sidewalk Astronomer Donna Smith and I set up two
homemade reflector telescopes in front of the Glendale Library. We
showed a pretty crescent moon and Saturn to nearly 200 people who came
to the library either to hear John Dobson's talk or who were at the
library.. Last night Mojo and I set up telescopes on Colorado Blvd in
Pasadena, and in-between the passing clouds we managed to have some
decent moon views to show to the over 200 passersby. By 9 p.m. the moon
was totally obscured by cloud, so we left early, and it looks like
tonight will be worse, weatherwise.
Our next outings, both in Monrovia
Possible: Saturday Feb 3. The moon will be one day past full, and won't
rise until 7 p.m. so if we do some viewing it will be from about 7:30 -
10 p.m.
Confirmed: February 10 - 76-10 p.m. Special Saturn viewing night from
about 7:30 p.m.
Jane Houston Jones
Monrovia, CA
34.2048N 118.1732W, 637.0 feet
Old Town Astronomers: