Sorry for the late announcement - we've been busy.....
The forecast for Friday and Saturday nights is mostly clear. That
means the Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers will be setting up telescopes
for public views of Saturn (and the moon) both nights. Venus will
also be a beautiful sight, in the west, no telescopes needed.
The same locations as every month - (weather will be clear and cold)
Friday Night Feb 23, 6:30 -9:30 p.m. Colorado Blvd somewhere between
Fair Oaks and Pasadena Avenues depending on parking. 2 telescopes,
long lines (there is no room for more telescopes, and we pick them up
and move them to get out of the trees and lights.
Saturday Night Feb 24, 6:30 9:30, or later if there is a big crowd)
Library Park, corner of Myrtle and Lime Streets, Monrovia. Our usual
group of astronomers bring 4 to 8 telescopes usually, less crowded,
lots of free parking. :-)
Website: You can always check the weather
in the top right of the page. Click on "weather permitting".
Other events for the astronomy enthusiast:
Jane Houston Jones
Senior Outreach Specialist, Cassini Program
JPL - 4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 230-205
Pasadena, CA 91109 818-393-6435
Cassini Saturn Observation Campaign