We'll have a moment of silence, or rather, as Neil Armstrong's family
has asked for, a wink at the moon ( #winkatthemoon twitter hashtag if
you are on Twitter) moment at 8:30 p.m. tonight at Monrovia's Library
Park. No telescope required if you are at home, but all the OTAstro
telescopes will be aimed at the moon tonight at our usual once-a-month
moon viewing night. If you can't make it out to our moon viewing event,
join a local group, or look up from wherever you are. Gaze at the moon,
zero in on the Sea of Tranquility even with your naked eyes and honor a
true American hero, Neil Armstrong, who died today. (August 5, 1930 -
August 25, 2011)
Here is where to look: Green triangle, Apollo 11, halfway between center
right edge and center of moon.)
I was in high school, on a family trip to Mexico on the day Neil
Armstrong put the first footprint on the moon. I'll never forget it!
Share your own stories with us tonight, or with your friends and family
as you look up and wink at the moon.
Jane Houston Jones
Monrovia, CA
What's Up Podcast for August: Mars as Curiosity lands, Perseids
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