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News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
It was a great time Wednesday evening! We had seven tables of curious
folks wanting to learn how to play bridge! It's always only some small
percentage who seriously take up the game as a hobby, but this is how it
Having the PA system made the class go more smoothly than I expected.
It's much easier to get the attention of the room and move things along.
If you're interested in auditing or assisting, I'm accepting three
volunteers for each class. You'll be there to fill a seat at a table and
participate as a student. We may not have a seat for all three
volunteers, but it's important to have you!
Turning around the bridge club
Which way is north? Geographical north is toward the antennas and
observatories on Mt. Wilson. Bridge north is arbitrary, and
traditionally the "head of the room."
At tournaments you'll find N/S oriented in the direction aligned with a
long row of tables. Generally if you're standing at table 1 North,
you're facing table 2, and 3 is the next distant, and so on.
When I first opened the club, I thought north would be in the direction
of the director's desk and the entry way. Then we hosted a North
American Pairs final, and ACBL tournament director Lynn Yokel walked
into the room to lay out the tables and instinctively laid out the room
with north toward the bulletin board and timing clock. It made sense to
me, and I kept it that way ever since -- over the objections of
geographical purists who feel that bridge club north should at least
approximate geographical north (especially when it's so obvious out the
We heard enough to decide that we would turn bridge north toward the
entry way and director's desk.
I've tried it for a few games, and it's /fine/, except ...
I underestimated how many little habits have to change with changing
north in a bridge club! The Bridgemates go to the other side of the
table. The Kleenex boxes move to the other corner. My class boards
switch sides. Players accustomed to walking in and sitting south have to
switch their familiar seat. Table 1 moves to the opposite side of the room.
Turning a bridge club north to a different direction becomes a little
like steering a giant cruise ship. We'll get there, but it will take a
while to change all our habits!
Next courses
The web site has been updated for the next round of courses. Here are
the next ones on the calendar:
* *Two Over One Game Force*, Saturday mornings, Feb. 17
* *Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding*, Wednesday evenings, Feb. 21
* *Improving Your Judgment - Opening the Bidding*, Thursday evenings,
Feb. 22
Our next /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ will start on Saturday, April
6, for six Saturday mornings. (Bridge Basics 1 is always followed by
BB2, BB3, in succession.)
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
My next several Saturday afternoon workshops will focus on opening
leads, starting with basic card combinations. It should be a great series!
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ "1NT Openings
and Responses"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Introduction to Declarer Play/ "Winning tricks
with spot cards, and finesses"
* Saturday, 9:30 AM, /Introduction to Defense/, "Third hand play"
* Saturday, 1:00 PM, /Workshop and game/, "Opening lead basics: card
*New on the YouTube channel*: Bridge Mini Lesson 18, leading from a
sequence against notrump:
Coming up ...
Our club has many players who enjoy celebrating Chinese New Year, and
they're putting together a celebration for the Wednesday game on
February 7. We'll make it a Club Championship so it will be worth extra
masterpoints as well!
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary