Dear friends,
I'm delighted that we'll be open for business on Monday, and saddened by
the loss we've all shared this past week. Several of our players lost
their homes, and some suffered injury.
As we prepare to open for a new week, my friend and partner Zachary
asked to send this open letter:
My dear friends,
As the smoke fills the air, as the ash imitates rain, as we all stare
out the window wondering what will befall us next, I want to take a
moment and share something with you.
A year and a half ago my life fell apart. Nothing as dramatic as fire,
but to me, just as devastating. When these things happen, the future
seems impossible, and the past feels like a cruel joke.
Not knowing what to do, I just tried to move forward. For me, that was
the Bridge Club. It was a place where I could greet you and we could do
a silly thing and treat it seriously, we could laugh and gossip and get
angry at each other and then forgive each other...because without each
other we don't have a game.
I also invested myself into the "social" bridge program we created. The
new players who are just discovering how wonderful and maddening each
hand of bridge is...that feeling of excitement when arranging...dread
when we misplay...relief when the finesse holds. On and on and on. For
hours and hours we would go through the hands and talk about what we
could have done better and how we will NEXT time.
Somehow, in this repetition, a new structure in me was made. One that
enabled me to move a bit further, and a bit more forthrightly, into a
very uncertain future.
Forgive my self-indulgence. I say all that merely to say this: when it
is safe again please come to the bridge club. Please be around friends
and get away from turmoil (if only for a moment). Please structure your
way forward around a community who cares for you and needs you. Please
think of mentoring a new player. Please think of bringing a
friend along. Please think of the happy days ahead and please think of
the miserable ones too - I assure you those days will be made better by
being in a room, playing cards, surrounded by family.
This week at the club:
* All Open games will be Club Championships
* Our two Wednesday and Thursday evening classes will be pushed one
week on the calendar, and start this week
My wife Jane and I are taking a few days to be together for our 25th
wedding anniversary. I'll be at my regular game on Wednesday. Zachary
can't wait to open the bridge club on Monday morning.
Come play and we'll start healing together.
Very best regards,
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Zachary, Jane and I feel that it would be best to keep the bridge club
closed for the remainder of this week. We'll consider opening for the
Monday game if the air quality and overall safety has improved.
Here is a photo that Zach took yesterday. (He said it looks about the
same today.)
Jane and I haven't had power at our home in Monrovia since Tuesday
afternoon. We're safe at home for the time being, though it'd be good to
have a hot shower and some laundry. :) Our place is outside any of the
evacuation zones.
We have had a few of our beloved players totally lose their homes in the
Eaton fire. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and everyone affected
by the fire, along with our hopes for a seamless and productive recovery
in the months and years ahead.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary, Lisa, Melanie
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Our bridge club remains in a "prepare to evacuate" zone, and (as you
know) the air quality is unhealthy. We're going to remain closed all day
This is a cancellation of the 11:00 game, 3:00 Office Hours, and the
7:00 PM class for Thursday. You'll also probably receive a notice from
Jane and I are safe in Monrovia, not in an evacuation zone, but we've
been without power for quite some time. Our internet is somewhat
unreliable using cell phones only.
We can think about Friday when the time comes.
I know many of you are already away to a safe location. We hope you'll
stay safe!
Best regards,
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Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Have you noticed the sharp looking Pasadena Bridge Club name badges
around the club? You can order one of your own. I don't send in an order
until I have at least four to make, and it takes about ten days to arrive.
If you'd like a badge, drop me a note and I'll add you to the list! Give
me your name and home city as you'd like it spelled on the badge. When
it arrives, you can pick it up and pay $15.
Online/F2F Hybrid Game Jan 12
Tom Reynolds has been working with Realbridge and the ACBL to test the
feasibility of having a large distributed bridge event by having players
bring their laptops or tablets (and headphones) to the bridge club and
play the event online.
The first test of the event is this Sunday at 1:00 PM, with four clubs
in the LA area participating, including the Pasadena Bridge Club. The
game won't award masterpoints, but winners will get an opportunity to
play a game online with an expert partner.
If you'd like to be added to the event, drop me a note! There are
several sessions between now and Sunday where you can test your
connection to Realbridge and practice using the platform.
New Year's Eve Recap
Our New Year's Eve "Eight is Enough" game doubled in size this year vs.
last year, filling the club with 16 tables. My apologies to a few that
we had to turn away! We had a huge mix of visitors, old pros, and new
players. Many were playing a team tournament for the first time.
The competition was tougher than last year with several well-planned
teams. Winning the event was the team of Roy Wilson, Gloria Rommel, Jon
Fuhrman and Susan Kane.
Bridge Classes This Week
We have a strong calendar of courses at the club, with eight different
six-week courses to level-up your bridge game. Classes are held on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM, and we'll cycle through the
catalog during the year. See the full list here.
Each week I'll post the topics for the Wednesday and Thursday classes.
Anyone is welcome to join a single class for $25 without purchasing an
entire course.
This week's classes:
* Wednesday, January 8, 7:00 PM /Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive
Bidding/ "Preemptive Opening Bids"
* Thursday, January 9, 7:00 PM /Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal/
"Play of the Deal in Notrump"
In addition, every Saturday morning at 9:30 we offer a mini-workshop
featuring a fascinating bridge hand from Eddie Kantar's "Thinking
Bridge" series. In each hand you'll discover how all of the clues you
need to find the right contract, the best opening lead, successful play
or defense, are all right there when you notice them!
The Saturday morning workshops are free and open to all, whether or not
you stay to play in the novice/intermediate bridge game at 10:00.
The next /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ class starts Thursday, April 3.
Coming up ...
Let's have a week of Club Championship games January 13-18. All of the
Open Pairs games will pay significantly extra masterpoints, and no extra
charge. The ACBL grants us this type of game a few times a year.
I haven't yet seen a schedule of new Sectional Tournament at Clubs
games, but I'll add them to our schedule as soon as I hear.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Welcome to 2025! It's going to be a great year for playing bridge and
leveling-up your game.
Our class sessions are on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, featuring
another course from our eight course catalog
<> every six weeks or so.
We also have our weekly Tuesday evening duplicate game for novice
players, as well as our popular Saturday morning game with a free bridge
workshop at 9:30. Office Hours feature casual bridge every Monday -
Thursday from 3:00-5:00 PM.
Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
Bridge Basics 1 focuses on what we call the "constructive" auction —
when one side opens the bidding, the other side is silent. This allows a
partnership to focus on HOW HIGH and WHERE to play a contract.
But in most bridge auctions, both sides get involved. When the other
side makes a bid, you also have the goal of interfering with their
auction, as well as finding the best contract for your side. A
competitive auction offers new opportunities to add to our bidding
Of course it wouldn't be one of our courses without also having tips for
winning extra tips as declarer or defender!
* Six Wednesday evenings, starting January 8, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
* See the full course description
* $120 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Click here to enroll
Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal
/Play of the Deal/ was just released in 2024 by Audrey Grant and David
Lindop. This will be our first presentation of the course at the
Pasadena Bridge Club!
While bidding language evolves over time (like all languages!), the
principles of card play as declarer are timeless. The techniques and
puzzle-solving skills of declarer play are also much deeper than they
seem at first! Like all puzzles, skill is achieved through study and
practice to recognize common situations and possibilities.
* Six Thursday evenings, starting Januray 9, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
* Full course description
* $120 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Click here to enroll
Last year and this year ...
At the end of the year, the Pasadena Bridge Club was #99 in North
America, with 2,357 tables played in ACBL-sanctioned bridge games. In
the US alone, we're #79. In LA County (District 23) we're #3 behind the
Long Beach Bridge Center and the Agile Bridge Club.
Next on the course calendar will be /Improving Your Judgment - Opening
the Bidding/ starting on February 19, and /Introduction to Defense/
starting February 20.
This coming year we'll have a special full-day seminar event featuring
Robert Todd. If you're saving events on your calendar, keep Sunday March
30 open for that.
Our next session of /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction /will be on Thursday
evenings, starting April 3. Watch for the listing in the PCC Extension
Mojo, Jane and Zachary