Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
This week we'll have just about all of our games and casual bridge
openings. Come play cards with us!
New Year's Eve Wine Cheese Bridge
Let's have a party! I'll open the bridge club at noon, and we'll play
cards starting at 1:00. The format will be teams-of-four, in either
swiss or round-robin format, depending on how many teams we get.
Plan to play until about 4:00 PM. Who knows? We might play board games
after that. :)
The game will have lots of masterpoints, thanks to support from the
Pasadena San Gabriel Unit of the ACBL, who has generously granted one of
their Unit Championship sanctions for the New Year's Eve game!
You can register as a single, as a partnership, or as a team. But note
that teams must meet the *Eight is enough* criteria. "What is that?" you
Eight is Enough
The idea is to pair more experienced players with less experienced
players to make teams of four. For that purpose, each player is assigned
one, two, or three points:
* A player with 2,000+ or more masteroints is THREE
* A player with 500-2000 masterpoints is TWO
* A player with fewer than 500 is ONE
The total of every team must not exceed eight!
So by all means, put together a team if you like. If not, sign up and
I'll make teams.
So Much Generosity!
Jane, Zachary, and I have been touched by the outpouring of generosity
from our players at the end of our first year. The bridge club has
received several significant gifts.
We're doing pretty well! The growth of the club has been steady, and new
players and curious people continue to take up the game at our club. We
were never in this for income, so we've had the luxury of investing our
own time and money to make it a viable long-term presence. Aside from
paying staff, the club has supported itself pretty well this year.
So we're putting these generous gifts into the club this way:
* We have a 40"x30" lightbox sign coming for the window. It will be
visible at night from the parking lot. (Not so much during the day,
but that's okay!)
* I'm working on adding a PA and mic to the main room, and a smaller
one for the classroom. Our teacher training course this past week
highlighted the positive features of having one.
* I've replaced and updated most of the boards and cards I use for
teaching. They were due!
If you know of other projects that seem worthwhile for the club, tell me
what you think of!
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
We only have one full class meeting this week, not wanting to start new
things on the holiday break. But it's a good one to drop in! How often
do you get to practice Stayman, transfer bids, strong opening hands, and
slam bidding, all in one session?
And don't forget what's probably the *best bargain at the club*, the
Saturday "Workshop and Game" at 1:00. We'll be looking at another
situation where a double might be your best call.
Here are the topics this week:
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions/ "Practice
* Saturday, 1:00 PM, Workshop and Game "Responsive Doubles"
Coming up ...
/Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ will be starting up on Wednesday
eveings, starting January 10. The introduction class is offered through
PCC Extension, whose catalog lands in mailboxes all over the region a
few times a year!
Here's the link to sign up:…
And /Introduction to Defense/ will be starting on Saturday mornings next
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
It's the week before Christmas, and bridge is in the house! We will be
open Tuesday - Saturday for our regular games and events next week. Drop
by to play!
Declarer Play Workshop
We still have room for some students in Friday morning's Declare Play
This is a one-time class by visiting instructor Denise Hoffman, Program
Director for Better Bridge Teacher Training.
The cost is a bargain $25 and includes a booklet by Audrey Grant. We'll
start at 9:30 AM on Friday, and it should be a great time.
But if you want to come, please let us know soon! We have to plan to get
the materials and boards ready for the class.
For more information and to register visit here:
ACBL Memberships
I have two reasons to bring this up now!
One, the annual membership fee is going up on January 1. For the best
bargain, I did a three-year renewal. Highly recommended.
Second, as a new player, you'll want to have an ACBL player number for
joining in duplicate bridge games, both at the club and online.
*If you've never been an ACBL member*, the good news is that you can get
your lifetime player number and a free "guest membership" for four
months. There's more to the deal: If you join as a guest member, you can
convert to a full member for a significant discount.
Here is the link to join ACBL as a guest member and get your player
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
*Mojo's pick for this week*: Wednesday evening, 2/1GF practice hands.
How often do you get nothing but hands involving either 2/1GF or the
forcing 1NT?
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Two Over One Game Force/ "Practice Hands"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions/ "Slam
Bidding and Blackwood"
*Saturday Workshop and Game:* We started with takeout doubles last week.
For the next few we'll look at other uses of the double, starting this
week with Negative Doubles
<> (or as Audrey and
I call them, "Responder's Double").
*New on the YouTube channel*, "Leading partner's suit"
Coming up ...
"Eight is enough" New Year's Eve team game at 1:00 PM Dec. 31.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Thursday evenings we have a social / supervised bridge session. Being a
host/mentor involves answering questions, filling a seat if necessary,
and helping guide the social bridge game. On Thursday evenings and
Saturday mornings, I have boards from the Wednesday game with travelers
so the players can compare their results.
If you're willing to help out, I could use someone this evening! 7-9.
I'll be there teaching a Bridge Basics 3 class.
build message
Morris "Mojo" Jones
mojo(a) <>
Pasadena Bridge Club <>
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and Play Bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
It was a great week of bridge games and awards for Royal STaC week! For
the full overall results, drop by this link
That will include the Sunday Unit Holiday Party as well.
Benjamin Bascom and Toban
Special congratulations to Benjamin Bascom and Toban! They played in the
novice/intermediate games at the Atlanta North American Bridge
Championships, earning a 1st place trophy, and a photo and blurb in the
NABC Daily Bulletin. I have a copy of their Daily Bulletin page on the
bulletin board at the club.
Special half-day seminar
*Level-up your declarer play! *We have a unique opportunity on Dec. 22.
Denise Hoffman will be in town to present this special one-day event,
from 9:30 - 12:30 on Friday, Dec. 22. You can attend for just $25, and
that includes a booklet from Audrey Grant.
Audrey's unique design for multi-level instruction makes her programs
suitable for players of all experience levels. The material is easily
accessible and understandable for new players, while providing insight
and fascination for experienced players.
Highly recommended -- don't miss out on this opportunity if you can be
Visit this link for the flier and to register:
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Two Over One Game Force/ "Practice hands"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions/ "Strong
Opening Bids"
*Mojo's pick for this week:* Wednesday evening, 2/1GF practice hands!
How often do you get to practice bidding and playing hands that all use
a 2/1 or "forcing 1NT" bid?
The *Saturday Workshop and Game* returns at 1:00 PM this Saturday. Let's
talk *doubles* for a few weeks! Start this week with takeout doubles.
*New on the YouTube channel*, starting a series of mini lessons on
defense, "Choosing which suit to lead"
The next Saturday morning class will be /Introduction to Defense/
starting January 6.
Mentors wanted
One of the great things about the Pasadena Bridge Club is the many
opportunities for new bridge players and students to drop by and play
unstructured, informal bridge. Our Office Hours and Social/Supervised
bridge sessions give them this opportunity!
I have an *immediate need for a mentor for the Thursday evening social*
bridge session this week, and an ongoing need for Saturday morning
mentors. If you'd like to adopt a session to be your own, you can! We
can always cover absences, and you'd get to know the players.
You don't have to be a world-class bridge player yourself -- in fact
it's probably a lot better if you're closer to their level! You'll be
expected to be friendly and have a light touch on the games. The goal is
to help them develop confidence and play as much as they can.
Nina Huang
Congratulations new Life Master!
In a first for the Pasadena Bridge Club, Nina Huang earned her final
Silver masterpoint to complete the Life Master requirements during the
Wednesday Royal STaC game on December 6. Congratulations!
Coming up ...
Yes, we're having an "eight is enough" team game on Sunday, December 31,
at 1:00 PM, with all the appropriate New Year's Eve party accoutrements!
And the next /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ begins on Wednesday
evening, January 10. Already 13 students enrolled. It's going to be a
big class!
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
News from
North Fair Oaks
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Running behind on the news, but it's all good! Jane and I had a fun time
on Tuesday afternoon visiting Sony Pictures Studios to see them record
three episodes of /Jeopardy!/.
I have a player looking to join the Wednesday or Thursday games who's a
Precision player. If you'd like to offer to play, drop me a note and
I'll hook you up.
Royal STaC This Week//
A STaC, of course, is a Sectional Tournament at Clubs, but most
Sectional tournaments pay only Silver points. The "Royal STaC" is a
creation from the last couple of years in which the final awards are
divided into 25% Black, 25% Red, 25% Silver, and 25% Gold points.
Participating in the STaC this week are four of the 25 ACBL districts,
all on the west coast. Clubs from all four districts will be playing the
same hands, and results from the participating clubs will be combined
into overall results with big awards.
We're having Royal STaC games for "Open Pairs" on Wednesday and
Thursday, and a 0-750 limited game on Saturday afternoon at 1:00.
(In addition, the Pasadena San Gabriel Unit Holiday Party on Sunday will
be a Royal STaC game, the final session of the week. If you don't have a
reservation for the holiday party, get one soon!)
New Year's Eve Bridge is ON
We'll have a special bridge party at 1:00 PM on December 31. If you have
evening plans, there's still time for bridge!
We'll play a team game in the "Eight is Enough" format, where teams will
be composed of a combination of new and experienced players.
We'll also serve some food, wine, and cheese and make a party of it.
More later!
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for $25. No need to sign up for
a full course.
Here are the topics this week:
* Wednesday, 7:00 PM, /Two Over One Game Force/ "The Choice Between
Game and Slam"
* Thursday, 7:00 PM, /Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions/ "Jacoby
Transfer Bids"
* Saturday, 9:30 PM, /Introduction to Declarer Play/, "Ruffing in the
short hand"
The Saturday Workshop and Game is on hiatus this week for the 0-750 STaC
The next /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ starts Wednesday evening,
January 10, and the class is filling up quickly! Visit the web site and
get your friends or family signed up soon.
Become a /Better Bridge/ Teacher
Bridge needs teachers, and you could be part of the solution! This is
the bridge curriculum and program that I use at the Pasadena Bridge Club.
Have you ever wondered how you could most effectively improve your
bridge game? This is it: *teach people to play bridge*. You know it's
true, right?
Find the details here <>
and see the flier here
Coming up ...
More about that special class on Friday morning, December 22, I promise!
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary