Our Sunday game will be done around 2:00, with plenty of time to go to that
Super Bowl party. Please join us if you can.
Here is a tentative reservation list, please send updates.
Sunday 12:30 PM 2/9/2025
Director Mike Savage patomike
Name BBO Name BBO
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1 Susan Smith jayyy
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Carol Ashbacker icenogle
Cathy Martin CLMPas Carolyn Cohen Loocy13
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalieque
Jerome Paul jepaul Margaret Shifley mshifley
Mike Connell mconn4 Steve Mancini stevem1954
Mike Perera Mikeperera Stephen Anderson Stephen13
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ron Oest bridge1474
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Sharon Wolf drswolf
Shiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz
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