We are all concerned about the ongoing fire situation. If you are able to take some time off to destress, come join our Sunday game. 

Below is a tentative reservation list. Please send updates.

For your information, BBO is increasing the minimum charge for vacb games to $6.
Sunday 12:30 PM1/12/2025
DirectorMike Savagepatomike
Aggi OschinAgijanian1Susan Smithjayyy
Bill Brodekhabanero_2Paula Olivarespaulao
Bill Martintrap27Sharon Wolfdrswolf
Bud KalafianbekbudSteve Lickerchkenek1
Cathy MartinCLMPasCarolyn CohenLoocy13
Jerome PauljepaulMargaret Shifleymshifley
MaryAnne Selfnanna7Russell Grayruss gray
Mike Connellmconn4Steve Mancinistevem1954
Mike PereraMikepereraStephen AndersonStephen13
Mira Rowebridger238Ron Oestbridge1474
Rand PinskyunabidderKathy Swainephantom4
Roy Laddroy r laddRuth Bakerruthbaby
Shiaoyan Zhouxyzzuz