This week there's a special STaC for face-to-face games only. I have this note from Paula:
There will be a Royal STAC game at the Joshua Tree Club (F2F) in Lancaster at 12:30 PM on Saturday March 26th. Points will be paid one-quarter each of silver, red, gold, and black points. For more information, reservations or partners contact Beth Morrin, 760-505-3491 or
Meanwhile online we'll hold our usual 0-750 game at 10:15, and Open Pairs at 6:15. Here's who I'm expecting for each game. If you'd like to add yourself to the list, please let me know which game you want! :)

Tuesday 10:15 0-750 3/22/22
Name BBO Name BBO
Director Morris Jones MojoLA
Maria Marvosh bridges100

Simonetta May carasimo Jane Archer janearcher
Caryn Musicer Caryn52 Glen Musicer themus
Kerry Goldstone Fabfiftys Glen Drogin Glen1941
Graetchen Torres grete Mike Connell mconn4
John Tyner John1609 Lora Smith 1darbygal
Margaret Shifley mshifley Jerome Paul JEPAUL
Sandra Marsh sandybean

Sofi Kasubhai sofitictac

Stephen Anderson stephen13 Michael Perera mikeperera
Tom Beggane tpjb

Tuesday 6:15 Open 3/22/22
Director Mike Savage patomike
Name BBO Name BBO
Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive Kiran Kumar cndy037
David Khalieque akhalique Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Amr Elghamry amr777 Dominique Moore DMoore0320
Bud Kalafian bekbud

Kristi Kubo dyingmoose Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Hanan Mogharbel jimjj Tom Lill LillOleTom
Julie Hanson juju1944 Angela Peters ltlmama1
May Abagi mabagi Hani Malou hani malou
Roshen Hadulla roshni1938

Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker Ruthbaby
Bob McBroom soccerref Bill Brodek habanero_2
Tomoko Stock tomstock Jan Ladd alohaladd6
Tom Beggane tpjb

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog