Take a break from the hectic holiday schedule and play bridge with us. You
can always play with a robot partner if your regular partner is unavailable.
The holiday bridge schedule for Unit556+PPD is as follows:
Dec 24 Sunday 12:30 PM
Dec 25 Monday - no game
Dec 26 Tuesday 6:15 PM
Dec 28 Thursday 12:15 PM
Dec 31 Sunday 12:30 PM
Jan 1st Monday 12:15 PM
Tentative reservation list, please send corrections.
Sunday 12:30 PM 12/24/2023
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Amr Elghamry amr777 Gerry Geremia gerryg51
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Dave White dwhite50 Pat Larin pattinoel
Farryl Weitzman Fraudelmw Jane Archer JaneArcher
Greg Vernon mtvernon
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Judy Tomic lacygal
Mike Connell mconn4 Ken Peyton newrave1
Mike Perera mikeperera
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Sharon Wolf drswolf
Tracy Boys abigquack
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz
Invitation-only paid research for our community
I'm sharing a paid brain health research opportunity with our community
that you can do from home.
The National Institutes of Health is sponsoring research on healthy aging,
depression, and mild forgetfulness or other mild cognitive impairment in
people ages 60 and over. The study takes place on your mobile device,
either tablet or phone.
To enroll, you must be able to download and use mobile applications.
Participation includes 3 sessions. Each session takes about an hour. You
will be compensated $150 for study completion. To learn more, please visit:
To screen and enroll in this study, please email your name, email and phone
number to research(a)mirohealth.com and mention my name as the person who
referred you. Please call/text Miro Health research coordinator Jessica Li
at 708-325-8205 with any questions, and please forward this flier to your
friends, family, and greater community.
Thank you for helping to advance brain health research.
Paula Olivares
Take a break in this busy time of year and play bridge with us online
tomorrow. Here is the reservation list. Please send updates.
Thursday 10:15 Open 12/21/23
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Temo Arjani Zantem
Bud K bekbud
Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Carolyn Cohen loocy13 Dominique Moore dmoore0320
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Michael Connell mconn4
Jerome Paul jepaul Margaret Shifley mshifley
Ron McEvan rjmc66 Helen Wang lisette
Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Our Tuesday evening game is small but fun. Below is who played last week as
a starting list. Please send updates.
Tuesday 6:15 pm Open 12/19/23
Director Mike Savage patomike
Name BBO Name BBO
Amr Elghamry amr777 Dominique Moore DMoore0320
Bill Brodek habanero_2
Donna Davidson donnadee Bill Langlois nseq
Linda Young limda Paula Olivares paulao
Harry Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalique
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Greg Vernon mtvernon
Below is the reservation list for tomorrow's game. Please send updates.
Next week, Dec 25, Monday, there will be no Virtual Club game.
Monday 12:15 PM Open 12/18/23
Director Mojo MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Alan Nueman anueman David Khalieque akhalieque
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Carolyn Cohen LOOCY13
Greg Vernon mtvernon
Helen Wang lisette
Jackie Moor jmoor2 Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ronald Oest Bridge1474 Mira Rowe bridger238
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Sharon Wolf drswolf Steve Licker chkenek1
Here is the starting reservation list for tomorrow. Please let me know if
you plan to play or can't make it.
Sunday 12:30 pm 12/17/2023
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Carol Ashbacher icenoogle
Farryl Weitzman Fraudelmw Jane Archer JaneArcher
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Ken Peyton newrave1
Lulu Minter bree leant Helen Wang lisette
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Sharon Wolf drswolf Bud Kalafian bekbud
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz
Scott Campbell is directing tomorrow. Here is the reservation list based on
who played last Thursday. I know many of you are at the Palm Springs
Regional. Please send updates and corrections.
Thursday 10:15 Open 12/14/23
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Thursday 10:15 Open 12/7/23
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Anita Walker anitacw27
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Beth Morrin Bethmorrin MaryAnne Self nanna7
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Temo Arjani Zantem
Carol Ashbacher icenogle Kristi Kubo dyingmoose
Carolyn Cohen loocy13 Dominique Moore dmoore0320
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Rae Murbach racquetrae
Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalieque
Jacqueline Moor jmoor2 Michael Connell mconn4
Jerome Paul jepaul Margaret Shifley mshifley
Joe Viola javiola3 Gerry Geremia gerryg51
Ron McEvan rjmc66 Helen Wang lisette
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Paula Olivares paulao
Sharon Wolf drswolf
Our Tuesday game is small but fun, come join so we can keep it going. Here
is the tentative reservation list. Please send additions or corrections.
Tuesday 6:15 pm Open 12/12/23
Director Mike Savage patomike
Name BBO Name BBO
Amr Elghamry amr777 Dominique Moore DMoore0320
Bill Brodek habanero_2
Carol Ashbacher icenogle
Donna Davidson donnadee Bill Langlois nseq
Hanan Mogharbel jjmjj Tom Lill LillOleTom
Harry Randhawa harkiratr David Khalieque akhalique
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ruth Baker ruthbaby Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Monday game is always fun with Mojo directing and bringing snacks. Below is
who I am expecting, please send additions or corrections.
Monday 12:15 PM Open 12/11/23
Director Mojo MojoLA
Name BBO Name BBO
Alan Nueman anueman David Khalieque akhalieque
Jackie Moor jmoor2 Harkirat Randhawa harkiratr
Barb Jones 5arabrab Tom Jones buckey1
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Bill Martin trap27
Diana Borgatti djborgatti Carolyn Cohen LOOCY13
Donna Davidson donnadee Bill Langlois nseqs
Helen Wang lisette
Jeanette Deverian jdeverian Cathryn Martin CLMPas
Ramesh Sawhney rsawhney
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Ronald Oest Bridge1474 Mira Rowe bridger238
Roy Ladd roy r ladd
Shari Elias shari2141 Mary Anne Self nanna7
Sharon Wolf drswolf Adam Barron theadamwolf
The Pasadena Holiday party is also tomorrow so we will have a smaller game.
Below is the tentitive reservation list. Please send updates.
Sunday 12:30 pm 12/10/2023
Director Scott Campbell ksc
Name BBO Name BBO
Aggi Oschin Agijanian1 Anita Walker anitacw27
Bill Brodek habanero_2 Paula Olivares paulao
Carol Ashbacher icenoogle Kristi Kubo dyingmoose
Esin Parikh esinparikh Barry Parikh king0351
Farryl Weitzman Fraudelmw Jane Archer JaneArcher
Greg Vernon mtvernon
Mike Connell mconn4 Steve Mancini stevem1954
Mike Perera mikeperera
Mira Rowe bridger238 Ronald Oest Bridge1474
Rand Pinsky unabidder Kathy Swaine phantom4
Roy Ladd roy r ladd Ruth Baker ruthbaby
Sharon Wolf drswolf Bud Kalafian bekbud
Xiaoyan Zhou xyzzuz