Here are the players who've said they're playing today at 12:30, along with the list from the previous week. Please drop me a note if you're planning to play! Dave White will be covering as game director today.

Partnerships Sunday 12:30

Name BBO Name BBO
David Rozzell jdrjr Sharon Wolf drswolf
Jane Archer JaneArcher Farryl Weitzman fraudelmw
Kiran Kumar Cndy037 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Dianna Borgatti Djborgatti R Gerry Belcher rgbelcher

Last week

Name BBO Name BBO
Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive Kiran Kumar Cndy037
Arthur Moore AMoore153 Dominique Moore DMOORE0320
Lulu Minter bree leant Ernest Wong ekjsw
Jane Archer JaneArcher Farryl Weitzman fraudelmw
Joe Viola javiola3 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
Margaret Shifley mshifley Jerry Paul jepaul
Howard Rosen Murphy1414 Stephen Page stephenpag
Clinton Lew notaclew Ho Ming Yim hyimhk
Vic Marovish pockets500 Donna Marovish jacobira
Marianne Newman Pomona48 Michael Newman Pomona70
Bill Papa sofos Vic Sartor 00000VS
Steve Mancini Stevem1954 Mike Connell mconn4
Susanne Hollis sushollis Suzanne Wilcox swilco
Waqar Khan WaqarKhan Angela Peters ltlmama1

Best regards
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog