We have a regular Sunday game at 12:30, Open Pairs. Here's the attendance from last Sunday. Please drop me a note if you're playing or would like to play but need a partner.


Name BBO Name BBO
Adam Barron theadamwol David Rozzell jdrjr
Arthur Moore AMoore153 Dominique Moore DMOORE0320
Joan Mesias Mjmlacey Margery Gould cambria8
Elizabeth Burrell gojazz Kent Burrell KBM37
Howard Rosen Murphy1414 Stephen Page stephenpag
Susanne Hollis sushollis Suzanne Wilcox swilco
Steve Shanker shankers Sharon Wolf drswolf
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
Angela Peters ltlmama1 Waqar Khan WaqarKhan
Kiran Kumar cndy037 Linda Eagan LLE_

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog