Lots of bridge to play on Sunday!
Would you like to play but don't have a partner? I often get singles looking to play, and I can often get you into the game as a standby. If you'd like to play in a club game, let's just do it!

Last Sunday we had to combine the two games, but had a big combined turnout. With all VACB games stratified now, you're always scored against your peers, no matter what.

Last week

Name BBO Name BBO
Kiran Kumar Cndy037 Avice Osmundson 2holtdrive
Dianna Borgatti Djborgatti R Gerry Belcher rgbelcher
Sharon Wolf drswolf David Rozzell jdrjr
Joseph Viola javiola3 Rae Murbach racquetrae
Jerome E. Paul JEPAUL Margaret Shifley mshifley
Kent Burrell KMB37 Elizabeth Burrell gojazz
Qiang Li lq700615 Connie Kang kangxk
Lynn Sager lynnbs Julie Hanson JUJU1944
Mike Perera mikeperera Hilary Clark clark5
Joan Mesias mjmlacey Margery Gould cambria8
Howard Rosen Murphy1414 Stephen Page stephenpage
Mariann Nolan NolanMom Pat Luehrs pmjl
Yuriko N. Bonds ooita William D. Snyder nadie205
Bonnie Cox plbolmps32 Angela Peters ltlmama1
Michael Newman Pomona70 Marianne Newman Pomona48
Sofi Kasubhai sofitictac Genise Hasan kevra
Temo Arjani Zantem Adam Barron theadamwol

Best regards,
Morris Jones, Monrovia, CA
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
Mojo's Blog