Saturday, September 14 is “International Observe The Moon Night“.  Imagine astronomy enthusiasts worldwide all looking up tonight. You can look up at home and be part of the party, too! The founding San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers, and really, all astronomy clubs, have had a habit going back to the 1960's and probably earlier of holding a public first quarter moon viewing event for the public in cities around the country and around the world. The moon is the best public astronomy target, no dark sky needed.

Weather permitting, a few astronomers are planning to be at our usual corner of Myrtle and Lime Streets in Monrovia tonight. Mojo and I will be there. I have some Moon Lithos from JPL to pass out. This is our 20th year of Old Town Sidewalk Astronomy, after I was a member of the SF sidewalk astronomers since 1987, when I made a telescope in John Dobson's telescope making class at the San Francisco Academy of Sciences, and that changed my career and life. I think our telescopes will be out sometime between 7:30 PM and 9:00ish PM once the moon crests the Monrovia skyscrapers. :-)

Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the sudden death of one of our founding members in late July. Gary Spiers read a notice I posted at NASA JPL about Sidewalk Astronomy in Monrovia in early 2004, and showed up to see what it was all about. He's been an active member and a dear friend ever since. Those of you who are local and have attended our Monrovia Sidewalk events have met Gary, and over the years, his two daughters, with their telescopes over the early years. We miss him so much!

Gary proofread my What's Up Podcast script almost since it started in 2007, and many of his astrophotos appeared with credits over the 12 years. This was our favorite public National Park astronomy event with volunteer astronomers since the 1960's. And this episode ends with a photo of Mojo and Gary at Glacier Point, and is also dedicated to Gary in the end credits. Hard to write this email but as I have told many over the decades, the night sky brings comfort. Hope to see some of you tonight. Send in a photo of your moon view tonight if you'd like.

Yosemite Nature Notes documented a Glacier Point public astronomy star party Mojo, Gary and I volunteered for, Here's the link:

And here is this month's What's Up video,

Jane and the Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers


Jane Houston Jones, retired JPLer
Pasadena Bridge Club co-founder and owner
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