You don't really need this email to know that it's cloudy outside.
We'll be canceling our Monrovia sidewalk astronomy night tonight as
a result. Here's something you "can" try at home, once the clouds
go away, that is:
Periodic Comet Hartley 2 remains about 6th magnitude,
appearing big, round, and dim in binoculars. This week it's crossing
Auriga and passing its closest to Earth (on October 20th). Here are
some nice charts from Sky and Telesocpe magazine.
This chart is through the 18th, and the above link has more charts
for the next few weeks and months. I think it's easiest to tip this
week's chart 90 degrees counter-clockwise so Capella is at the
bottom and Cassiopeia is at the top. Capella is a very bright star,
and you'll be able to see it from the city. Then look to your north
and find the "W" shape of Cassiopeia, and then scan the cloud-free
sky night by night. I have not seen it from the city, but I will
still try. After next week, it will require a late night or -
after midnight wake-up to see the constellation Gemini. Good luck!
My monthly podcast this month is about the solar system, and
includes a solar system you can make! Several "How to make"
activities are on the "related links" section below the podcast
Finally, when I was researching this month's podcast I came across a
solar system necklace kit. I ordered one, made it in a couple
hours, and I've been wearing mine every day. Here is what it looks
. Mine cost $24.50, tho' there are several more expensive
versions. I requested a "movable" comet to represent Comet Hartley
2, and the artist has added this to the products she sells, and I
have the prototype on my necklace.
That's all for this month, November 12 and 13 are the likely
Pasadena and Monrovia sidewalk astronomy nights next month, and I'll
be heading to Mojave National Preserve (MNP) on October 30th for
dark sky stargzing with the National Park Conservation Association,
and the MNP friends and staff. Limited campsites at Black canyon
Group Camp site available, RSVP for a free campsite to: David
Lamfrom <>.
Let me know if you will bring a telescope. Telescopes are not
required, I just want to know how many as there is a small platform
to put up to 5-6 scopes on.
Jane Houston Jones
Monrovia, CA
My What's Up Podcast: Oct 2010-The Solar System
NASA Youtube
Twitter: /CassiniSaturn /otastro