I'm resending information about tomorrow's Jupiter and Saturn
planetary conjunction because a good percentage of our email list
didn't receive last week's note in a timely manner. Also, I'm
sharing some photos Mojo and I took using our cell phones on the
16th, 17 and 19th. Check out the views tonight, and also after
Monday, and let us know what you see!
I love this description of conjunctions from NASA Astronomer Henry Throop in this article https://www.nasa.gov/feature/the-great-conjunction-of-jupiter-and-saturn
“You can imagine the solar system to be a racetrack, with each of the planets as a runner in their own lane and the Earth toward the center of the stadium,” said Henry Throop, astronomer in the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “From our vantage point, we’ll be able to be to see Jupiter on the inside lane, approaching Saturn all month and finally overtaking it on December 21.
"The planets regularly appear to pass each other in the solar
system, with the positions of Jupiter and Saturn being aligned in
the sky about once every 20 years." He goes on to remind us of
Galileo's views of Jupiter's 1623 conjunction. The whole article
is worth a read!!
For those who would like to see this phenomenon for themselves, here’s what to do (also copied from the NASA article):
-- Jane Houston Jones, retired JPLer *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-: Twitter: @jhjones @otastro Instagram @janehoustonjones http://www.otastro.org/ Astronomy, travel, music, food, cats