Hi everyone, my What's Up November video is out, and there is a
pretty lineup of moon and planets the next 3 nights, so I thought
I'd send out an additional reminder to step out and look up!
From November 1st to 3rd, catch gibbous
Venus (phase visible in telescopes, may look "oval" in binos, the
crescent moon, and ringed Saturn together in the southwest sky
just after sunset.The prettiest triangle of the three is Thursday
night, so go out and practice just after sunset.
Then also tonight, there's a very good pass
of the Chinese Space Station just after 7:00 PM for SoCal. This
is probably the last real opportunity to see Tiangong 2 while the
Chinese astronauts are still onboard. Jing Haipeng and Chen
Dong are half way through their month-long flight. The station
reaches 10 degrees above WSW horizon 7:06:53 p.m. (Very near
the moon/Venus/Saturn trio) Maximum altitude 67 degrees NNW at
7:09:57 at magnitude 1.2, brighter than the most of the stars it
passes until it disappears into Earth's shadow near fainter
Cassiopeia stars. Let me know if you see it!!
There are also some famous meteor showers -- famous from past
outbursts, but rates will be lower due to bright moons nearby, but
still any chance to see a Taurid on the 12th, a Leonid on the 17th
or an Orionid on the 28th, is worth it if you are awake and the
sky is clear on or near the peak nights!
Mojave National Preserve Star Party is this weekend! RSVP here
on the Facebook Event - or ask me for phone/email to RSVP https://www.facebook.com/events/310376066006443/
Eclipse info - no new news, but some of your fellow members of
this email list have reserved two of the camper sites next to us
in St. Anthony ID, and there are plenty more sites available.
Info was on the last email. And the Idaho Museum in Idaho Falls
will have some cool exhibits (and speakers :-) the day before the
eclipse) It's gonna be epic!!
What's Up JPL http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/video/details.php?id=1448
What's Up Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj7hDvy9bgI
What's Up Tumblr http://nasa.tumblr.com/post/152612101714/whats-up-for-november-2016
-- Jane Houston Jones @jhjones @otastro What's Up Nov? Venus sunset,Jupiter dawn, Saturn, Meteors https://youtu.be/aj7hDvy9bgI