Bonus! There's a 7 minute ISS pass to enjoy while you step out to
see the eclipse tonight. Highest at 8:26 p.m. 90° above the horizon
-- straight overhead.
Time: Sun May 15 8:23 PM, Visible: 7 min, Max Height: 90°, Appears:
10° above the SW horizon, Disappears: 10° above the NE horizon.
As a reminder, here is a short timeline for us Pacific Time Zone
folks so you can step out and look up!
Partial eclipse begins May 15 (7:27 p.m. PDT on May
15). Note sunset is at 7:47 p.m. tonight
Totality begins (moon engulfed in Earth’s shadow)
(8:29 p.m. PDT)
Totality ends May 15 (9:53 p.m. PDT)
Partial eclipse ends May 15 (10:55 p.m. PDT)
Penumbral eclipse ends May 15 (11:50 p.m. PDT).
Duration of totality: About 90 minutes.
Time and Date has a great graphic!
Here's JPL's What's Up video for May, which talks about the lunar
Have fun and let me know if you have a great view!! Jane and the
sidewalk astronomers :-)
Jane Houston Jones, retired JPLer
Twitter: @jhjones @otastro
Instagram @janehoustonjones