HI Old Town Astro folks
I have a request from a JPL colleague for some help at a school
star party event on Friday April 20 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Longfellow
Elementary in Pasadena. I have another telescope event that night
(Sidewalk Astronomy in Pasadena), and I can't be in two places at the
same time.
He is looking for some enthusiasts who could either:
- Answer questions about the planets or be excited about their work
in science or about science in general (or enthusiastic about
answering kids questions) from the K-5th graders. It's the schools
star party night.
- Aim telescopes at moon, Saturn or Venus - I have several simple to
use and easy to carry reflectors in the 4.5-inch, 6-inch and
8-inch aperture range if someone has the interest but doesn't have a
telescope. I'm happy to lend them out. I'll have an info sheet
available with facts about moon, Venus and Saturn, too.
I have one volunteer from the JPL Astronomy Club who will help
out. He does a lot of school events. I'll help out by
creating some star chart handouts for the night, provide some NASA
handout material, supply a human solar system activity. If you have
the time or the inclination, send me a note, and I'll connect you with
Sven, or provide the logistics. I also asked my fellow JPL
Astronomy Club members, but we JPLers often live far from work, making
it hard to volunteer locally in Pasadena. If you haven't done a school
star party before there is usually a flurry of setup, then it seems
like in an hour the whole event is over and you take your equipment
down and go home. Telescopes with a quick setup time usually are the
easiest to use at a school. Let me know if you're interested.
Jane Houston Jones
Senior Outreach Specialist, Cassini Program
JPL - 4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 230-205
Pasadena, CA 91109 818-393-6435
Cassini Saturn Observation Campaign