649 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457
We have two great courses starting next week on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings! Invite your
friends to discover our game on Wednesday
evenings, and join us on Thursdays to learn (or
fine tune) the most common bidding conventions.
We also have great games and workshops for new
players, and some special events coming later
this month.
Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions
A convention is a bid that has special meaning
to a partnership to help you reach the best
contract on a hand. While there are literally
thousands of bridge conventions, there are three
or four that you'll find the most frequently
used and valuable to know.
In this course we'll learn about Stayman,
Jacoby Transfer Bids, strong opening bids, and
some tools for bidding slams.
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
This is the launch pad course for your bridge
experience! Even if you've taken the course
before, seeing it again always reveals new
details that you missed the first time.
In the first class you'll learn the mechanics
of the game and much of the vocabulary, such as
tricks, notrump, trump, declarer, dummy,
opening lead, contract. For the rest of
the class, we'll learn techniques for winning
extra tricks, and much of the language of
bidding. The last two classes will be practice
in using your new skills!
Office Hours!
Join us for casual bridge Monday through
Thursday from 3:00 - 5:00. Plenty of nice
partners available.
We'll have an experienced bridge player on hand
to help you with sticky problems. Try playing
the same hands as we play in the 11:00 Open game
and compare your results to theirs!
Office Hours are available for a $5 donation,
and a great way for newer players to develop
their bridge muscles!
Novice/Intermediate Games
Every Tuesday evening from 7:00-9:15 we
have a real bridge game that's specifically for
newer players. No sharks in the game! Lisa
Walker hosts a room of friendly newer bridge
players ready to welcome you to the table. If
you're looking for a partner, we almost always
have one available for you.
Come earn your first masterpoints in this game!
Saturday mornings are dedicated to our
novice/intermediate players. We start the
morning at 9:30 with a fascinating bridge hand
from Eddie Kantar's "Thinking Bridge" series.
Every hand teaches how to think about a
bridge hand, from the perspectives of bidding,
declarer play, and defense.
The workshop is followed at 10:00 by a 14-15
board bridge game, finished by 12:15.
Coming up at the bridge club
We have another week of Club Appreciation games
with lots of extra masterpoints awarded, October
Wednesday October 30 is a very special game,
the ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint game.
At the end of the game, players get a printed
booklet with expert analysis of all the hands.
Matchpoint awards are pre-determined on the
spot. And the winning pair in each direction can
earn a full Gold masterpoint! (Card fee
for this very special game will be $15.)
Mojo, Jane and Zachary