649 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457
Welcome to 2025! It's going to be a great year
for playing bridge and leveling-up your game.
Our class sessions are on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings, featuring another course from
our eight course
catalog every six weeks or so.
We also have our weekly Tuesday evening
duplicate game for novice players, as well as
our popular Saturday morning game with a free
bridge workshop at 9:30. Office Hours feature
casual bridge every Monday - Thursday from
3:00-5:00 PM.
Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
Bridge Basics 1 focuses on what we call the
"constructive" auction — when one side opens the
bidding, the other side is silent. This allows a
partnership to focus on HOW HIGH and WHERE to
play a contract.
But in most bridge auctions, both sides get
involved. When the other side makes a bid, you
also have the goal of interfering with their
auction, as well as finding the best contract
for your side. A competitive auction offers new
opportunities to add to our bidding vocabulary.
Of course it wouldn't be one of our courses
without also having tips for winning extra tips
as declarer or defender!
Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal
Play of the Deal was just released in
2024 by Audrey Grant and David Lindop. This will
be our first presentation of the course at the
Pasadena Bridge Club!
While bidding language evolves over time (like
all languages!), the principles of card play as
declarer are timeless. The techniques and
puzzle-solving skills of declarer play are also
much deeper than they seem at first! Like all
puzzles, skill is achieved through study and
practice to recognize common situations and
Last year and this year ...
At the end of the year, the Pasadena Bridge
Club was #99 in North America, with 2,357 tables
played in ACBL-sanctioned bridge games. In the
US alone, we're #79. In LA County (District 23)
we're #3 behind the Long Beach Bridge Center and
the Agile Bridge Club.
Next on the course calendar will be Improving
Your Judgment - Opening the Bidding
starting on February 19, and Introduction to
Defense starting February 20.
This coming year we'll have a special full-day
seminar event featuring Robert Todd. If you're
saving events on your calendar, keep Sunday
March 30 open for that.
Our next session of Bridge Basics 1 -
Introduction will be on Thursday
evenings, starting April 3. Watch for the
listing in the PCC Extension catalog!
Mojo, Jane and Zachary