649 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457
This week we'll have just about all of our
games and casual bridge openings. Come play
cards with us!
New Year's Eve Wine Cheese Bridge
Let's have a party! I'll open the bridge club
at noon, and we'll play cards starting at 1:00.
The format will be teams-of-four, in either
swiss or round-robin format, depending on how
many teams we get.
Plan to play until about 4:00 PM. Who knows? We
might play board games after that. :)
The game will have lots of masterpoints, thanks
to support from the Pasadena San Gabriel Unit of
the ACBL, who has generously granted one of
their Unit Championship sanctions for the New
Year's Eve game!
You can register as a single, as a partnership,
or as a team. But note that teams must meet the
Eight is enough criteria. "What is that?"
you ask.
Eight is Enough
The idea is to pair more experienced players
with less experienced players to make teams of
four. For that purpose, each player is assigned
one, two, or three points:
- A player with 2,000+ or more masteroints is
- A player with 500-2000 masterpoints is TWO
- A player with fewer than 500 is ONE
The total of every team must not exceed eight!
So by all means, put together a team if you
like. If not, sign up and I'll make teams.
So Much Generosity!
Jane, Zachary, and I have been touched by the
outpouring of generosity from our players at the
end of our first year. The bridge club has
received several significant gifts.
We're doing pretty well! The growth of the club
has been steady, and new players and curious
people continue to take up the game at our club.
We were never in this for income, so we've had
the luxury of investing our own time and money
to make it a viable long-term presence. Aside
from paying staff, the club has supported itself
pretty well this year.
So we're putting these generous gifts into the
club this way:
- We have a 40"x30" lightbox sign coming for
the window. It will be visible at night from
the parking lot. (Not so much during the day,
but that's okay!)
- I'm working on adding a PA and mic to the
main room, and a smaller one for the
classroom. Our teacher training course this
past week highlighted the positive features of
having one.
- I've replaced and updated most of the boards
and cards I use for teaching. They were due!
If you know of other projects that seem
worthwhile for the club, tell me what you think
Classes this week
Individual classes are available to join for
$25. No need to sign up for a full course.
We only have one full class meeting this week,
not wanting to start new things on the holiday
break. But it's a good one to drop in! How often
do you get to practice Stayman, transfer bids,
strong opening hands, and slam bidding, all in
one session?
And don't forget what's probably the best
bargain at the club, the Saturday
"Workshop and Game" at 1:00. We'll be looking at
another situation where a double might be your
best call.
Here are the topics this week:
- Thursday, 7:00 PM, Bridge Basics 3 -
Popular Conventions "Practice hands"
- Saturday, 1:00 PM, Workshop and Game
"Responsive Doubles"
Coming up ...
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction will be
starting up on Wednesday eveings, starting
January 10. The introduction class is offered
through PCC Extension, whose catalog lands in
mailboxes all over the region a few times a
Here's the link to sign up: https://pasadena.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=66517&int_category_id=0&int_sub_category_id=0&int_catalog_id=0
And Introduction to Defense will be
starting on Saturday mornings next week!
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary