649 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457
Have you noticed the sharp looking Pasadena
Bridge Club name badges around the club? You can
order one of your own. I don't send in an order
until I have at least four to make, and it takes
about ten days to arrive.
If you'd like a badge, drop me a note and I'll
add you to the list! Give me your name and home
city as you'd like it spelled on the badge. When
it arrives, you can pick it up and pay $15.
Online/F2F Hybrid Game Jan 12
Tom Reynolds has been working with Realbridge
and the ACBL to test the feasibility of having a
large distributed bridge event by having players
bring their laptops or tablets (and headphones)
to the bridge club and play the event online.
The first test of the event is this Sunday at
1:00 PM, with four clubs in the LA area
participating, including the Pasadena Bridge
Club. The game won't award masterpoints, but
winners will get an opportunity to play a game
online with an expert partner.
If you'd like to be added to the event, drop me
a note! There are several sessions between now
and Sunday where you can test your connection to
Realbridge and practice using the platform.
New Year's Eve Recap
Our New Year's Eve "Eight is Enough" game
doubled in size this year vs. last year, filling
the club with 16 tables. My apologies to a few
that we had to turn away! We had a huge mix of
visitors, old pros, and new players. Many were
playing a team tournament for the first time.
The competition was tougher than last year with
several well-planned teams. Winning the event
was the team of Roy Wilson, Gloria Rommel, Jon
Fuhrman and Susan Kane.
Bridge Classes This Week
We have a strong calendar of courses at the
club, with eight different six-week courses to
level-up your bridge game. Classes are held on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM, and
we'll cycle through the catalog during the year.
See the full
list here.
Each week I'll post the topics for the
Wednesday and Thursday classes. Anyone is
welcome to join a single class for $25 without
purchasing an entire course.
This week's classes:
- Wednesday, January 8, 7:00 PM Bridge
Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
"Preemptive Opening Bids"
- Thursday, January 9, 7:00 PM Bridge
Basics 4 - Play of the Deal "Play of the
Deal in Notrump"
In addition, every Saturday morning at 9:30 we
offer a mini-workshop featuring a fascinating
bridge hand from Eddie Kantar's "Thinking
Bridge" series. In each hand you'll discover how
all of the clues you need to find the right
contract, the best opening lead, successful play
or defense, are all right there when you notice
The Saturday morning workshops are free and
open to all, whether or not you stay to play in
the novice/intermediate bridge game at 10:00.
The next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
class starts Thursday, April 3.
Coming up ...
Let's have a week of Club Championship games
January 13-18. All of the Open Pairs games will
pay significantly extra masterpoints, and no
extra charge. The ACBL grants us this type of
game a few times a year.
I haven't yet seen a schedule of new Sectional
Tournament at Clubs games, but I'll add them to
our schedule as soon as I hear.
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary