649 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457
The final day of August was a wonderful day at
the bridge club. In the morning we had a 5-table
299er game, preceded by an interesting workshop
hand from Eddie Kantar's "Thinking Bridge"
In the afternoon we held our final NAP
Qualifier game with nine tables. Zachary and I
got to play to fill the last table, which is
always a treat for me. In the ACBL records, we
had a 14-table day.
Besides all that, we had a group of students
from Bridge Basics 1 practice hands from the
fifth session of the class. Michael Blottin and
Jane Winer have been hosting student groups on
the weekends to practice hands and go over
material from the various lessons.
Early on, Michael and Jane recognized that
sometimes the best way to learn this game is to
teach it to someone else. That's a
valuable lesson in itself! They've been inviting
players from the classes to join them on
Saturday and Sunday mornings for practice.
Wednesday afternoon bridge party!
Following through with that thought — Jane and
Michael have been with us at the bridge club for
one year. They wanted to celebrate, and that's
as good an excuse as any!
During the Wednesday 3:00-5:00 PM "Office
Hours" they're inviting us all to join
them for wine and cheese at the bridge club.
Sherna Foucher joined the group at about the
same time, and together they're all pitching in
to make it a fun party.
Whether you're a rookie just discovering the
game, or an old-timer who's been enjoying it for
decades, this is a great opportunity meet and
greet the new folks (or other new folks).
Maybe instead of just playing bridge we'll
break out some of the board games from the
Over/Under game Sept. 29
At the club there is a sign-up sheet for newer
players to join the Over/Under game on September
29. Players who are non-Life Masters under 500
masterpoints are invited to sign up.
On the Sunday of the event (Sept. 29), we'll
assign partnerships with an experienced player
for a bridge game.
For many new players this is a great
opportunity to experience tournament duplicate
bridge with a friendly experienced partner. You
might even find yourself discovering a new
partnership, and lose any fear of playing in the
big open duplicate games.
There is no lower limit to the
experience of the new players invited! Anyone
who can bid and play a bridge hand is invited to
join in.
Classes this coming week
Individual classes are available to join for
$25. No need to sign up for a full course!
The defense course is especially good for
drop-ins! Send me a note and let me know you're
- Wednesday, 7:00 PM, Introduction to
Defense, "Second hand play"
- Thursday, 7:00 PM, Bridge Basics 1 -
Introduction "Practice hands"
Upcoming courses
Our bridge curriculum features eight different
courses for players of all levels! We currently
offer courses on Wednesday and Thursday
evenings, from 7:00-9:00 PM, rotating through
the catalog of courses as best possible.
The next courses will be:
Each course runs for six meetings. The $120
course fee includes an excellent textbook. You
can save your seat in either course at this
link: https://pasadenabridgeclub.com/contact/course_enrollment
Coming up ...
The next Pasadena Unit Game will be held on
Sept. 15, and continuing on the first and third
Sundays through this year.
We'll have a week of Club Championship games on
the third week of September. These are games
that pay bunches of extra masterpoints with no
extra sanction fee. (We get to do that a few
times a year!)
The next silver point week will be October
7-12, and October is Club Appreciation Month
with lots of nifty events.
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction will
begin again on Wednesday evenings starting
October 23. Enrollment is open now at PCC
Best regards,
Mojo, Jane, Zachary