Dear Unit 556 players and friends,
Below is a tentative list of players for tomorrow's game. Please send me
edits or if you need a partner.
If our game disappears after it starts;
1. log in again,
2. stand by for 10 minutes and see if it appears (then re-register)
3. if it appears to be a system wide event, look for an email from me
4. an attempt will be made to restart or reschedule the game
Best for you and your partner to log in and register early, then be back
and ready 10 minutes before start time.
See you in the morning.
BBO: paulao
Aggi & Susan Sm
Anita & Ruth
Bill & Greg V
Bob & Donna
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Craig & Tom B
Dave R & Temo
Esin & Barry
Geoff & Rosy
George C & Dayle
Harry & Alan
Jackie & Melanie
Jan & Deanna
Kathy S & Rand
May & Gay
Mira & Ron
Paul & David
Paula & Roy
Sharry & Beth
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