Dear Unit 5556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up (partnership tab on the
game page) up to two hours before the game.
In case you didn't realize the director doesn't pull boards, it is the BBO
platform which will not give you the last board if you have less than a
minimum number of minutes left in the round.
Adam & Temo
Aggi & David K
Carol A & Kristi
Donna & Bob
Dwaine & Gary
Elaine & Tom S
Greg V & Khushroo
Kathy S & Rand
May & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Paula & Tom B
Roselyn & Saul
Rosy & Geoff
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
Sue T & Kathy H
Susan St & Mark
Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up (partnership tab on the
game page) up to two hours before the game.
You have all been playing faster so this week we are changing to 6 minutes
per board. Unfortunately, BBO cannot accommodate 6 1/2 minutes/board. Also,
for games of 15 or fewer tables, we plan to run nine, 2-board rounds. At 16
tables BBO automatically breaks the game into two sections and we will run
six 3-board rounds.
A note about stratification: The director has no say in stratification.
It's all automatic by BBO. Stratification breaks the field into rough
thirds, ⅓ in A, ⅓ in B, ⅓ in C. A pair is stratified by the player with the
higher masterpoints, not the average of the pair. If a player is a ‘BBO
star’ he and partner are automatically A. A player is automatically an A
player if he has no ACBL number. Otherwise, each player’s level is the
higher of his ACBL masterpoints or BBO points.
Anita & Kathy C
Bernard & John V
Bill & Paula
Carol & Rufus
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carol U & Hal
Carolyn & Gerry B
Craig & Tom B
Dave W & Pat L
Dwaine & Gary
George C & Dale G
Harry & Alan N
Jackie & Melanie
Kathy H & Susan T
Kathy S & Rand
Linda & Russ
May & Gay
Mira & Ron
Ramesh & Temo
Rosie & Goeff
Ruth & Elaine
Sharon W & Dave R
Sharry & Beth
Susan Sh & Judy G
Susan Sm & Carol I
Teddi & MaryAnne
Tomoko & David K
Dear Unit 5556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up (partnership tab on the
game page) up to two hours before the game.
For those who care about which direction they sit at the table, here is
some trivia. If you invite your partner to play you will be either South or
West. The invitee sits North or East.
Also all the results ore on The Common Game and have the capability of
replaying the hand (if you care to) among other features. There is also
expert analysis on some of the hands.…
Aggi & David K
Amr & Gerry B
Anita & Ruth
Bernard & Beverly M
Carolyn C & Bill B
Bob & Dave
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carol U & Hal
Craig & Tom B
Dave R & Ramesh
Dwaine & Gary
Geoff & Rosy
Georgia & Adam
Harry & Alan
Jan & Roy
Kathy S & Rand
Linda & Russ
Mira & Ron
Paula & Gay
Rae & Gerry G
Roselyn & Dominique
Roshen & Temo
Sharry & Beth
Teddi & MaryAnne
Dear Unit 5556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up (partnership tab on the
game page) up to two hours before the game.
Also, BBO has changed their server configuration (full explanation can be
found under the News tab on BBO). You must be in the Virtual Club lobby
prior to the start time of our games in order to be brought into the game.
Aggi & Teddi
Allan & Ron
Amr E & Rae M
Anita & Ruth
Bernard & John V
Bill & Greg V
Bud & Gerry B
Carol & Hal
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Craig & Tom B
Dwaine & Anisuz
Esin & Barry
Geoff & Rosy
George C & Dayle
Harry & Alan
Jackie & Melanie
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy H & Susan T
Kathy S & Rand
May & Gay
Mira & Ron
Paul G & David K
Paula & Roy
Sara & Kim
Sharry & Beth
Tracy & MaryAnne
Dear Unit 5556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up (partnership tab on the
game page) up to two hours before the game.
Attached id the first draft of our member list. Thank you to those who sent
me something about themselves. If you haven't sent me a sentence or two
about yourself, please do so soon.
Also, BBO has changed their server configuration (full explanation can be
found under the News tab on BBO). From now on you must be in the Virtual
Club lobby prior to the start time of our games in order to be brought into
the game. For example, don't go to the main bridge club to play a few
practice hands after registering for our game expecting to be pulled into
the game at the start. You will not be and will miss the game. The main
bridge club and Virtual Bridge clubs were put on separate servers yesterday.
Adam & Temo
Aggi & David K
Carol A & Kristi
Craig & Tom B
Dwaine & Gary
Elaine & Tom S
Greg V & Khushroo
Jan & Tomoko
Kathy S & Rand
May & Hani
Melanie & Bill
Mira & Ron
Rosy & Geoff
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
Sue T & Kathy H
Susan St & Mark
Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up (partnership tab on the
game page) up to two hours before the game.
Currently the count on survey of # of boards per round is
7 minutes a board - 14
6 minutes a board - 5
don't care - 10
Some comments were: difficult boards take more time, slow internet, wifi
problems, some players new to BBO, learn to claim when you can, learn to
accept or decline claims so time not wasted, revisit in a couple of weeks,
chatting with new and old friends during extra time at end of round helps
raise spirits, adding photos would be nice.
Anita & Aggi
Bernard & John V
Bill & Paula
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carol U & Hal
Carolyn & Gerry B
Craig & Tom B
Dave W & Pat L
Dwaine & Gary
Esin & Barry
George C & Dale G
Harry & Alan N
Jackie & Melanie
Kathy S & Rand
Linda & Russ
May & Gay
Mira & Ron
Rosie & Goeff
Ruth & Roy
Sharon W & Dave R
Sharry & Beth
Susan Sh & Judy G
Tomoko & David K
Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
I would like your input on two items.
First, we are from three distinct areas and in order to boost the
comradery, I plan to put together a directory of the players with a
descriptive sentence or two about each person. This way we can get to know
each other better. Please write a sentence or two about yourself to
introduce yourself to others. It will look something like this:
paulao (Paula Olivares) retired AT&T engineer, teaches bridge on cruise
ships, splits time between Valencia and Baja California, walks daily with
her three dogs.
If you don't want to write something about yourself, we will do our best to
write something to introduce you to the group.
On another note, I would like your feedback on whether you prefer games to
be 6 minutes a board (like Thursday) or 7 minutes a board (like today).
Thank you for your assistance.
Paula Olivares
Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tomorrow's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up on the partnership tab
on the game page up to two hours before the game.
One word of caution, when claiming, be careful to claim the correct number
of tricks you have coming. If you claim 0 tricks you may be
accidentally conceding.
Aggi & David K
Amr & Gerry B
Anita & Ruth
Bill & Greg V
Bob & Donna
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carol U & Hal
Craig & Tom B
Dave R & Ramesh
Dwaine & Gary
Geoff & Rosy
Georgia & Jerry
Harry & Alan
Jackie & Melanie
Jan & Roy
Kathy S & Rand
Linda & Russ
Mira & Ron
Pat & Dave
Paula & Gay
Rae & Gerry G
Roselyn & Dominique
Sharry & Beth
Susan Sh & Judy G
Teddi & MaryAnne
Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
Below is a tentative list for tonight's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up on the partnership tab
on the game page up to two hours before the game.
Aggi & Susan Sm
Anita & Ruth
Bill & Greg V
Bob & Donna
Carol & Hal
Carol A & Kristi
Carol R & Paul R
Carol T & Gary T
Carolyn & Gerry
Craig & Tom B
Dave R & Ramesh
Dwaine & Anisuz
Esin & Barry
Geoff & Rosy
George C & Dayle
Harry & Alan
Jackie & Melanie
Kathy H & Susan T
Kathy S & Rand
May & Gay
Mira & Ron
Paul & David
Sharry & Beth
Dear Unit 556 bridge players and friends,
Yesterday everyone did fairly well keeping up, but usually, one or two
tables did not finish each round. Please claim when you can (you don’t
have to claim ALL the tricks; if taking 5 of the remaining 7 tricks, claim
5 tricks). You can also concede when you can’t take any more tricks.
On another note, Deanna Kean (Proudley24), tripped over her puppy and broke
her hip last Friday. She hopes to be back to the bridge table soon and you
can contact her at fourkeans(a) Y'all be careful out there.
Below is a tentative list for tonight's game. Please send me any additions
or deletions. If you need a partner you can sign up on the partnership tab
on the game page up to two hours before the game.
Adam & Temo
Aggi & David K
Carol A & Kristi
Craig & Tom B
Elaine & Tom S
Greg V & Khushroo
Kathy S & Rand
May & Hani
Mira & Ron
Pat & Angela
Rosy & Geoff
Ruth & Roy
Sharry & Beth
Susan St & Mark