Pasadena Bridge Club Logo

Learn and Play Bridge!


Bridge Club



ABTA Master Teacher

649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457

I'm returning next week from the American Bridge Teachers Association convention in Chicago, and excited to get back to teaching this great material in person at the beautiful Pasadena Bridge Club.

These three courses are "must take" for any bridge player ready to level-up their game!

Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding

This is only the second course in my recommended series of courses for new players, but the material is deep and will serve you for as long as you play the game. Check out the lesson topics:

  1. Preemptive Opening Bids
  2. Simple Overcalls and Advances
  3. Takeout Doubles
  4. The Competitive Auction

The course finishes with two practice hand sessions that reinforce all of the material. More information at this link.

  • Six Saturday mornings, starting July 22, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • $115 includes textbook


This course may do more to improve your game results than anything else in the catalog! Learn how to work with your partner to find the missing cards at the table, and take the most tricks you can as defenders.

For the full eight week lesson plan, follow this link.

  • Eight Wednesday evenings, starting July 19, 7:00-9:00 PM
  • $130 includes textbook

Two Over One Game Force

Two Over One Game Force (or 2/1GF) takes Standard American 5-card Majors and makes one tiny tweak to the meaning of two-over-one bids (such as 1♠ - 2). The result is that it becomes easier to discover slam contracts, and find the right game contract.

This is the system that I use with all of my tournament partners, and it's "must have" in your repertoire as an advancing player.

For the full lesson plan, follow this link.

  • Six Thursday evenings, starting July 20, 7:00-9:00 PM
  • $140 includes the award-winning textbook by Grant and Rodwell

Reserve your seat!

Sign up for any of these classes by following this link. You can pay at the first class with cash, check, credit card, Apple Pay, or most other electronic payment systems.

As always, single session class visits are always welcome for $25. And if you're on the fence about any course, take the first class on me. Only pay if you decide to stay for the rest of the course!

And for your friends who might be thinking of discovering the fascination of bridge, the next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction course will be held on Thursday evenings, starting August 31. Save the date!

Best regards,