Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Zachary and I have taken some time to revamp our afternoon schedule,
weekdays from 3:00-5:00 PM. It's all about students and newer players!
We're going to continue with casual social supervised play sessions
Tuesday and Friday. We're adding a special workshop with Zachary on
Mondays, new class sessions on Wednesdays, and an official novice 0-20
bridge game on Thursdays.
New classes are starting at the end of February and beginning of March.
See the descriptions below!
March will also feature *free Wednesday morning bridge seminars* by
Platinum Life Master Lulu Minter, and a full day seminar on Sunday March
30 by the amazing *Robert Todd*.
*To enroll in any of the classes* below you can use the form here:
Weekday 3:00-5:00 schedule:
* Monday starting March 3, Workshop with Zachary
* Tuesday March 4, Social Bridge, Jon and Susan
* Wednesday March 5, Bridge Basics 3 Popular Conventions
* Thursday March 6, 0-20 Novice Duplicate Bridge
* Friday March 7, Social Bridge, Mojo and others
Would you like to help host social bridge on Tuesdays or Fridays? Please
drop me a note!
Introduction to Defense
This six-week course on defender play will cover the essentials of
defense, helping you work with your partner to win as many tricks as you
* Six Wednesday evenings, 7-9 PM
* Starting Feb 26
* $120 includes textbook by Eddie Kantar
* Full details and lesson plan
Improving Your Judgment - Doubles
Let's go into depth on the many ways you can use the takeout double to
compete in the auction.
* Five Thursday evenings, 7-9 PM
* Starting Feb 27
* $100 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full details and lesson plan
Popular Conventions
Daytime class! Join us on Wednesday afternoons to study the most useful
and popular bridge conventions: Stayman, Jacoby Transfer Bids, Strong 2♣
Openings, and Slam Bidding.
* Six Wednesday afternoons, 3-5 PM
* Starting Mar 5
* $120 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full details and lesson plan
Bridge Workshop with Zachary
Join us every Monday afternoon from 3:00-5:00 for a fun and intense
bridge workshop in Zachary's inimitable and charming style!
You'll get to play the hands that were played in the Monday Open Pairs
session, compare your results with the best bridge players in Pasadena,
and learn from Zachary how you might be able to improve your score.
One of our specialties is working with partnerships to improve your
The Monday workshops will be $10 each, with reservations kept in
RSVPBridge. If you already have an RSVP Bridge account, log in to RSVP
bridge <>, click on the "My Clubs" icon in the
top ribbon, find "Workshop with Zachary" and add yourself to the group!
(Or just drop me a note and I'll do that.)
Free Lulu Minter Seminars
Before *every Wednesday in March* (and one in April) Lulu Minter will be
hosting a *free* bridge workshop before the morning game at 10:00 AM.
Lulu is a Platinum Life Master. If you've played against him at the
bridge club, you know that Lulu and his partner (and son) Fredy are a
formidable partnership!
Drop in and learn some of his secrets for playing the game! Here is the
topic list:
* March 5 - Counting
* March 12 - Leads and Signals
* March 19 - Rule of 11
* March 26 - Rule of 7
* April 2 - Q&A - Open Forum
Robert Todd Seminar
Sunday, March 30: Full day seminar with the amazing Robert Todd. See the
event flier here
* Morning session 9:00 AM: Hand evaluation + re-evaluation.
* Afternoon session 1:00 PM: Compete when they open
Join the full day for $90, or one session only for $55. Register here
Saturday Morning Workshop and Game
Described as *one of the best deals at the bridge club*, every Saturday
morning at 9:30, we have a workshop hand from Eddie Kantar's "Thinking
Bridge," followed by a 15-board novice/intermediate bridge game (0-300).
Finished by 12:15.
Make your reservations on RSVP Bridge <>, or just
reply to this email to join in!
Next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
This course is the starting point for anyone thinking of trying our
fascinating game! The course is part of the PCC Extension catalog, but
meets at the Pasadena Bridge Club.
Our next course series begins on Thursday evenings, April 3, 7:00-9:00 PM.
You can register for Bridge Introduction at this link
and be sure to pass it along to your friends!
Rest assured, we will also be offering a session of Bridge Basics 1
during the new Wednesday afternoon 3-5 period in a few months!
Mojo, Jane and Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Welcome to 2025! It's going to be a great year for playing bridge and
leveling-up your game.
Our class sessions are on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, featuring
another course from our eight course catalog
<> every six weeks or so.
We also have our weekly Tuesday evening duplicate game for novice
players, as well as our popular Saturday morning game with a free bridge
workshop at 9:30. Office Hours feature casual bridge every Monday -
Thursday from 3:00-5:00 PM.
Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
Bridge Basics 1 focuses on what we call the "constructive" auction —
when one side opens the bidding, the other side is silent. This allows a
partnership to focus on HOW HIGH and WHERE to play a contract.
But in most bridge auctions, both sides get involved. When the other
side makes a bid, you also have the goal of interfering with their
auction, as well as finding the best contract for your side. A
competitive auction offers new opportunities to add to our bidding
Of course it wouldn't be one of our courses without also having tips for
winning extra tips as declarer or defender!
* Six Wednesday evenings, starting January 8, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
* See the full course description
* $120 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Click here to enroll
Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal
/Play of the Deal/ was just released in 2024 by Audrey Grant and David
Lindop. This will be our first presentation of the course at the
Pasadena Bridge Club!
While bidding language evolves over time (like all languages!), the
principles of card play as declarer are timeless. The techniques and
puzzle-solving skills of declarer play are also much deeper than they
seem at first! Like all puzzles, skill is achieved through study and
practice to recognize common situations and possibilities.
* Six Thursday evenings, starting Januray 9, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
* Full course description
* $120 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Click here to enroll
Last year and this year ...
At the end of the year, the Pasadena Bridge Club was #99 in North
America, with 2,357 tables played in ACBL-sanctioned bridge games. In
the US alone, we're #79. In LA County (District 23) we're #3 behind the
Long Beach Bridge Center and the Agile Bridge Club.
Next on the course calendar will be /Improving Your Judgment - Opening
the Bidding/ starting on February 19, and /Introduction to Defense/
starting February 20.
This coming year we'll have a special full-day seminar event featuring
Robert Todd. If you're saving events on your calendar, keep Sunday March
30 open for that.
Our next session of /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction /will be on Thursday
evenings, starting April 3. Watch for the listing in the PCC Extension
Mojo, Jane and Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
I had a great time in Las Vegas playing in the North American Bridge
Championships. I had two great days of bridge, and didn't come home with
any big finishes. It was great hearing about the impact the Pasadena
Bridge Club has had from friends near and far.
Audrey Grant was dining next to us at one of the restaurants. She told
me how excited she was about what we're doing, and I was able to
introduce her to several of our folks who were also dining nearby.
Group with Audrey Grant
Lisa Walker, Audrey Grant, Karmen Armoudjian, Mojo and Jane
I might have a new slogan for the bridge club, "The little club that
thinks it's a big club." 🙂
December has several special events to tell you about.
Kantar on Declarer Play
On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Dec, 11, 12, 18, and 19, I'll be
offering individual classes that each focus on a different aspect of
declarer play.
The source material comes from a treasure trove of lessons and hands by
the inimitable Eddie Kantar. Each class is $25 to attend, or you can
sign up for all four for $85. There is no textbook.
Here are the topics for each session, each starting at 7:00 PM:
* *Entries* Wed Dec. 11
* *Loser on Loser Plays* Thu Dec. 12
* *The Avoidance Play* Wed Dec. 18
* *Ducking Plays at Suit Contracts* Thu Dec. 19
Drop me an email to sign up, and I'll add you to the courses on RSVP Bridge.
Dec. 15 Holiday Party
The unit is putting on a great holiday party on Sunday Dec. 15. The meal
is a tri-tip barbeque from Stonefire Grill.
For bridge we're going to have two sections: Open Pairs like our weekday
11:00 AM games, and 299er Pairs limited to players with fewer than 300
masterpoints, like our Saturday morning games.
Reservations must be made by Thursday, December 5, so drop me a note if
you are coming. You can pay in advance using cash or a credit card at
the Pasadena Bridge Club.
New Year's Eve Party
Last year we had a great time playing a team game on December 31 in the
afternoon. We're going to do it again this year, with plenty of wine and
cheese, and an early start time that will let you get home or to your
own NYE celebration plans. (Probably 12:00 noon.)
I'll have more about that next week.
New Courses in January
January 8 and 9 we'll start with new courses in the Bridge Basics
series, including the *first offering* of Audrey Grant's brand new
/Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal/.
Wednesdays will feature /Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding/, and
Thursdays /Bridge Basics 4 - Play of the Deal/.
Drop in on the Upcoming Courses
<> page for all of the
The next /Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction/ will be on *Thursday evenings
starting April 3*, offered through Pasadena City College Extension, as
Our own "Black Friday" sale!
For December we're selling "5-game" punch cards for $55, a savings of $1
each over the regular $12 game fee. You can buy up to three if you like.
(That's three total, not three at a time!)
I'll print as many as we need. Come January they'll be $60 again, which
isn't a discount, but it's certainly convenient.
More next week!
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
We have two great courses starting next week on Wednesday and Thursday
evenings! Invite your friends to discover our game on Wednesday
evenings, and join us on Thursdays to learn (or fine tune) the most
common bidding conventions.
We also have great games and workshops for new players, and some special
events coming later this month.
Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions
A convention is a bid that has special meaning to a partnership to help
you reach the best contract on a hand. While there are literally
thousands of bridge conventions, there are three or four that you'll
find the most frequently used and valuable to know.
In this course we'll learn about Stayman, Jacoby Transfer Bids, strong
opening bids, and some tools for bidding slams.
* Six Thursday evenings, starting Oct. 24, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
* Full course description
* $120 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Click here to enroll
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
This is the launch pad course for your bridge experience! Even if you've
taken the course before, seeing it again always reveals new details that
you missed the first time.
In the first class you'll learn the mechanics of the game and much of
the vocabulary, such as /tricks, notrump, trump, declarer, dummy,
opening lead, contract/. For the rest of the class, we'll learn
techniques for winning extra tricks, and much of the language of
bidding. The last two classes will be practice in using your new skills!
* Six Wednesday evenings, starting Oct. 23, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
* Full course description
* $100 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Click here to enroll
Office Hours!
Join us for casual bridge Monday through Thursday from 3:00 - 5:00.
Plenty of nice partners available.
We'll have an experienced bridge player on hand to help you with sticky
problems. Try playing the same hands as we play in the 11:00 Open game
and compare your results to theirs!
Office Hours are available for a $5 donation, and a great way for newer
players to develop their bridge muscles!
Novice/Intermediate Games
Every *Tuesday evening* from 7:00-9:15 we have a real bridge game that's
specifically for newer players. No sharks in the game! Lisa Walker hosts
a room of friendly newer bridge players ready to welcome you to the
table. If you're looking for a partner, we almost always have one
available for you.
Come earn your first masterpoints in this game!
*Saturday mornings* are dedicated to our novice/intermediate players. We
start the morning at 9:30 with a fascinating bridge hand from Eddie
Kantar's "Thinking Bridge" series. Every hand teaches /how to think/
about a bridge hand, from the perspectives of bidding, declarer play,
and defense.
The workshop is followed at 10:00 by a 14-15 board bridge game, finished
by 12:15.
Coming up at the bridge club
We have another week of Club Appreciation games with lots of extra
masterpoints awarded, October 21-26.
Wednesday October 30 is a very special game, the ACBL-wide *Instant
Matchpoint game*. At the end of the game, players get a printed booklet
with expert analysis of all the hands. Matchpoint awards are
pre-determined on the spot. And the winning pair in each direction can
earn a *full Gold masterpoint*! (Card fee for this very special game
will be $15.)
Mojo, Jane and Zachary
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
I have three great opportunities to learn and improve your bridge game.
It all starts this week!
I'm really excited about the return of the Saturday morning workshop.
Read on for more ...
And don't forget our Monday through Thursday "Office Hours" sessions
from 3:00 - 5:00 PM. Drop in whenever you like and play some casual
bridge with other bridge players at your level.
Introduction to Defense
This course introduces the essentials of good defense, helping you work
with your partner to win as many tricks as you can. Good defense
requires imagination, logic, communication, and puzzle solving skills.
Two-thirds of your bridge play will be on defense!
The textbook is by Eddie Kantar, updated by Barbara Seagram in 2019. The
style is delightful, sometimes whimsical, easy to read and understand
* Six Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting July 31.
* $120 includes textbook
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
This is the starting point for folks who've never played bridge, and a
great way to get back into the game if you've been away from it for a while.
The first class teaches all of the mechanics of the game (you can't miss
this one if you've never played!). The following classes introduce ways
to win more tricks and find better contracts.
As of this email, we only have a handful of seats left for this session.
* Six Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting August 1.
* $85 + $15 for textbook
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
through PCC Extension
Saturday morning workshop and game
The Saturday workshop is back with a new starting time and a great new
series of lessons.
We'll meet at 9:30 for the workshop, and follow at 10:00 with a 14-15
board bridge game that /awards masterpoints/. The game will be finished
by 12:15, leaving your Saturday afternoon free. If you need more, play
in the Open Pairs game at 1:00!
Our workshop will focus on hands from Eddie Kantar's excellent "Thinking
Bridge" series. We'll start by bidding and playing a hand. Each hand
will have interesting bidding, declarer play, and defense problems to solve.
Every hand is a great example of /how to think/ about a bridge hand, and
not just blindly follow the guidelines you've learned.
Next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction ...
The next offering of Bridge Basics 1 will be held on Wednesday evenings
starting October 31. The course is already available for registration
in the PCC Extension catalog. For all your friends curious about bridge,
let them know!
Come learn and play bridge!
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
We're starting up three great new bridge courses this week. After this
session, we're going to close up the class room until August. I'll be
attending the American Bridge Teachers Association meeting in Toronto in
Grab seats in these now to get the full benefit!
Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
The first course, Bridge Basics 1, introduces players to the
"constructive auction," in which you and your partner are only dealing
with the questions of HOW HIGH and WHERE, in an effort to find a good
That said, the objective of the game is not to make contracts, it's to
get the best score!
In a competitive auction, you're not only trying to find our side's best
contract, but interfere with the opponents bidding conversation as well!
For players of any level, this course will improve your results at the
bridge table.
* Six Saturday morning, 9:30-11:30 AM, starting May 18.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Two Over One Game Force
This is the course that will improve your results at the duplicate game.
By making a small adjustment to Standard methods, it becomes easier to
find the right game contract, good slam hands, and a way to stay out of
bad slams.
If you've ventured into the Open Pairs games at the bridge club, you
already know that most pairs at the club are playing this system. The
same is true at tournaments.
Besides learning 2/1GF, this course has some of the best declarer play
problems to work out of any course. It works on so many levels!
* Six Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting May 16.
* $125 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Introduction to Declarer Play
Let's have a course with no bidding, and just focus on making your
contracts. Learn to plan your play better and execute the plan.
The first three weeks of the course focus on notrump play, and the
second three trump suit contracts.
The textbook is classic and easily readable by Eddie Kantar, updated
recently by Barbara Seagram.
* Six Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting May 15.
* $115 includes textbook by Eddie Kantar
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction ...
The next offering of Bridge Basics 1 will be held on Thursday evenings
starting August 1. When it becomes available for registration on the PCC
Extension calendar I'll let you know!
Don't forget our *Office Hours* sessions! The bridge club is open for
casual bridge play with an experienced player on hand to help out.
Monday through Wednesday, 3:00-5:00 PM.
Come learn and play bridge!
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
This spring features more great bridge courses at the beautiful Pasadena
Bridge Club.
Special! Robert Todd Day
Robert is one of my mentors, and one of the most engaging and
understandable teachers of the game. Rather than teaching endless
conventions, he concentrates on how to think, evaluate, and strategize
at the bridge table.
Recommended for novice and highly skilled players alike!
* April 14, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
* $85 for the full day
* Morning session: *Modern Preempts*
* Afternoon session: *Defensive Tools*
* Reserve your seat here
Bridge Basics 3 - Popular Conventions
This is the third course in Audrey Grant's Bridge Basics series, and
introduces the most popular and useful bidding conventions for playing
bridge at any level: Stayman, Jacoby Transfer Bids, strong hand
openings, and slam bidding.
* Six Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting April 3.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Improving Your Judgment - Doubles
The takeout double is arguably the most powerful and useful call in
bridge. Let's take some time to dig into takeout doubles in detail,
including responding to (advancing) your partner's double, and doubler's
next actions.
We'll look at edge cases where you can use a double (or perhaps
shouldn't!). And as with all of our classes, it comes with great hands
to practice declaring and defending.
* Six Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting April 4.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
Take it for your first time, or revisit again! There's no better class
for learning or reviewing the fundamentals of bridge.
We start with the play of the hand. After working out how tricks can be
won by declarer, we study hands to discover HOW HIGH and WHERE a hand
should be played, and learn the language of Standard American bidding to
reach the best contract.
Only a handful of seats remain! Sign up with PCC Extension soon to save
* Six Saturday mornings, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, starting April 6.
* Full description and lesson plan
* Register here with PCC Extension
Games for players of all levels
If you're just getting started, drop in for Office Hours to meet friends
and play casual bridge, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
Join our weekly Social Bridge session on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM,
and test your skill against hands played in the huge open game on
Wednesdays. Experienced players on hand to answer questions and help
with bidding and play problems.
Discover the challenges of duplicate bridge with our weekly Novice Pairs
game on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.
Join us on Saturdays at 1:00 for the weekly "Workshop and Game" at 1:00
PM for a 30-minute bridge topic followed by a duplicate game for
novice/intermediate players.
/Play fearlessly/ and join our newly-expanded schedule of Open Pairs
games, Monday through Thursday at 11:00 AM — three hours of competitive
bridge with some of the best players in Southern California.
Come learn and play bridge!
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Learn and play bridge!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
At the Pasadena Bridge Club we offer eight different six-week bridge
courses, each covering a different topic and level. You can take them in
order, or bounce around to pick the topics you want. Most of them stand
alone, with no dependencies on other courses.
Since we offer bridge classes three times a week, I try to stagger the
courses being offered so you always have a variety of levels and topics
to choose from. /See the full catalog here.
This month has a splendid selection of topics. Here are the upcoming
courses, offered live and in-person only at the beautiful Pasadena
Bridge Club.
Bridge Basics 2 - Competitive Bidding
The first course, Bridge Basics 1, introduces players to the
"constructive auction," in which you and your partner are only dealing
with the questions of HOW HIGH and WHERE, in an effort to find a good
That said, the objective of the game is not to make contracts, it's to
get the best score!
In a competitive auction, you're not only trying to find our side's best
contract, but interfere with the opponents bidding conversation as well!
For players of any level, this course will improve your results at the
bridge table.
* Six Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting February 21.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Improving Your Judgment - Opening the Bidding
Everyone knows the rules for opening the bidding, right? Bridge "rules"
are made to be broken.
Experienced players are better at taking into account the distribution
of their suits, the location and grouping of high cards, and their
position in the auction (has partner already passed? for instance) when
deciding whether or not to open the bidding and what to open.
This course explores those variations with guidelines to help improve
your own judgment when opening the bidding, along with great hands for
playing and defending.
* Six Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, starting February 22.
* $115 includes textbook by Audrey Grant
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Two Over One Game Force
Now that you have a handle on Standard American bidding, you may have
discovered some situations where you couldn't really be sure of HOW HIGH
and WHERE you should be playing!
By making a small tweak to Standard, you can improve your ability to
find the correct game contract, and find more makeable slams.
2/1GF is the system of choice for a vast majority of tournament players.
It comes with its own idioms and patterns to be aware of. Along with the
bidding topics, this course has some of the best declarer play problem
solving hands you'll see in any of the courses!
* Six Saturday mornings, 9:30-11:30 AM, starting February 17.
* $125 includes award-winning book by Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell
* Full description and lesson plan
* Click here to reserve your seat
Next Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction ...
The next offering of Bridge Basics 1 is open for registration with PCC
Extension. It will be offered on Saturday mornings at 9:30 starting April 6.
Here's the link to register with PCC
Don't forget our *Office Hours* sessions! The bridge club is open for
casual bridge play with an experienced player on hand to help out.
Monday through Wednesday, 3:00-5:00 PM.
Come learn and play bridge!
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
New courses starting!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Level-up your bridge game!
At the beautiful Pasadena Bridge Club, we have three new courses
starting soon! All courses run for six consecutive sessions, and include
a first-rate textbook.
Introduction to Defense
The defenders have a difficult job! You have to win as many tricks as
possible, keeping declarer to as few tricks as possible, without being
able to see each other's hand.
This course is based on Eddie Kantar's classic /Introduction to
Defense/, the second edition.
* Meeting Saturday mornings, 9:30-11:30, starting January 6
* Click here for full description and lesson plan
* Enroll in the course today
* $115 includes the text
Introduction to Declarer Play
Bidding language evolves and changes over the years, but the principles
of declarer play remain the same. Learn how to make more of your contracts.
This course is based on Eddie Kantar's classic /Introduction to Declarer
Play/, second edition. The first three classes talk about notrump
contracts, and the second three trump suit contracts.
* Meeting Thursday evenings, 7:00-9:00, starting January 11
* Click here for full description and lesson plan
* Enroll in the course today
* $115 includes the text
Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction
The starting point for family and friends who don't yet know how much
they will love this game! We'll start from scratch, and introduce the
mechanics of the game. From there, discover the basics of winning tricks
as declarer, and the fundamentals of Standard American bidding.
The text is the award winning book by Audrey Grant.
This course is offered through Pasadena City College Extension, and held
at the Pasadena Bridge Club. *Click the link below to register through
PCC Extension*.
/This course may well sell out/, so be sure to register with PCC
Extension as soon as possible to guarantee your seat!
* Meeting Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9:00, starting January 10
* Click here for full description and lesson plan
* Enroll in the course today
* $79 paid to PCC + $15 material fee (for the book)
Come play bridge!
We have great bridge games for novice and intermediate players!
Join us every Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM for a quick 2-hour game of 12
On Saturday afternoons at 1:00PM, the game includes a single-topic
workshop of about 45 minutes on a bidding, defense, or play topic. The
workshop is followed by a 12-board bridge game, to finish by 4:00 PM.
Reserve your game seat here
<>! Great
partners available.
Don't forget our social/supervised games on Thursday evenings and
Saturday mornings, plus casual bridge "Office Hours" on Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday, from 3:00-5:00 PM.
Best regards,
Pasadena Bridge Club Logo <>
Special event!
ABTA Master Teacher
649 N Fair Oaks Ave #201
Pasadena CA 91103
(626) 247-4457 <>
Declarer Play Workshop
/This Friday/, December 22, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
This is special one-day class that will introduce techniques that
experts use to visualize and discover more tricks, and make more of your
The class features Audrey's unique multi-level instructional style,
making it suitable for players with lots of experience, and those who
have only been playing a short while.
The class is *only $25* including a booklet by Audrey Grant.
Class meets at the beautiful Pasadena Bridge Club, with free beverages
and snacks, and lots of great options for lunch right at the site after
the workshop (if you like!).
Our visiting instructor is Denise Hoffman, Program Director for Audrey
Grant Teacher Training.
Click here for more information
<> and to reserve
your seat for this Friday's workshop, or call the Pasadena Bridge Club
at (626) 247-4457.